Please contact the person or organization directly from the listing. Instructions on how to post are below.
The old sublist is also below until the folks have posted in the new format.
In order to prevent harvesters and spammers from obtaining information posted to the list, only registered users are allowed to read it.
The sub list is a modified bulletin board.
The following features are disabled: replies, private messages, and polls.
Only registered users may post. Please register with your full, real name or name of your organization, as opposed to a nick name.
If you have any questions about how to post, please e-mail me and ask for help. There is no such thing as a silly question, especially when it comes to technology.
Singers and Conductors: The Subject Line should be your full name, and your phone number (if you would like that to appear in the listing).
The Message Body should include a list of your credits and any other information that will help someone looking to hire a sub. This should look like a professional choral singer's resume.
You are responsible to edit your post in the event your contact information or availability changes.
The Subject Line should be the name of the church or synagogue.
The Message Body should have complete information about the job, schedule, compensation, and how singers can contact you.
These posts will be automatically deleted after 30 days.
This service is free. However, if you wish to contribute, you may have sticky posts. Sticky posts stay at the top of each topic, and are available to any registered user who contributes $5 annually to me for maintenance costs of this service. For this, please go to PayPal , click "Send Money", and enter my e-mail address as the recipient.
For anonymous charitable donations only for this service, use the Amazon Honor System:
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